
The Resonance Tetralogy

Centuries had passed.  The ancient tales were forgotten, lost in the winds of time.  Many who knew them died without uttering a single breath of their secrets, their memory too harrowing to endure.  

Two and a half thousand years ago, a great cataclysm struck.  It reshaped the world, purging its surface of millions of lives.  The only evidence that civilisation even existed before this point were tiny clues in buried ruins and the vague remembrance of stories whispered through the generations.  One sole word consistently appeared time and again, a single clue of the world that existed before – Nazreal.  

That this was once a city was the only certainty, and nothing more.  Where it lay, why it disappeared and the fate of its inhabitants remained as myth and speculation.  The world had barely escaped from its spiralling plunge into chaos and virtual extinction.  Those who survived fought over ancient artefacts unearthed by chance, the promise of old technologies fuel for their battle to remain alive.  They were desperate to find out what happened and prevent it from happening again.  

While the world was currently stable, its foothold was tentative at best.  Tense diplomacy and uneasy peace had reigned for many years now, but fresh arguments and border disputes erupted on a near-daily basis. 

But then, something stirred deep at the heart of the world.  A new discovery had just been made.


Her power is unmeasured. Her abilities untested. Her destiny inescapable. 

Faria Phiraco is a 'resonator', a manipulator of crystals from the moon who wields control of the elements. It is a rare and secret power which she and her father, the Emperor of Xayall, guard with their lives. But they are not alone...

The Dhraka, malicious red-scaled dragons, have discovered an ancient artefact, a mysterious relic from the mythical, aeons-lost city of Nazreal. Their plan already in motion, they besiege Xayall, launching upon the city to find Faria and tear more of Nazreal's secrets from her. But she knows nothing, except that the powers hunting her threaten the entire world. 

With her father missing, Faria has to rely on her own strength and brave the world that attacks her at every turn. Friends and guardians rally by her to help save her father and reveal the mysteries of the ruined city, while the dark legacy of an ancient cataclysm wraps its claws around her fate... and her past. She soon realises that this is not the beginning, nor anywhere near the end. A titanic war spanning thousands of years unfolds around her, one that could yet cost the lives of everyone on Eeres.

Legacy is character-driven epic fantasy action forged in an exciting and intricate plot that reaches deep into the Resonance world's history. Sword and sorcery battles, magnificent flying ships, city sieges, gigantic metal fortresses and ancient secrets fuel the war on all sides, past and present. Recommended for ages 14 and above.

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Book Two: Fracture
Book Three: Ruin's Dawn
Book Four: Resonance End

Also: Spiritus Ex Machina (title pending), a science-fiction reimagining of Resonance's universe,  a one-off novel.